VIDEO: CCTV shows moment mugger attacked 89-year-old woman at Rotherham bus stop

Kirsty Moxon caught on CCTV fleeing the scene.Kirsty Moxon caught on CCTV fleeing the scene.
Kirsty Moxon caught on CCTV fleeing the scene.
POLICE have released CCTV footage of the shocking moment an elderly pensioner was mugged for her handbag as she waited for a bus in Rotherham.

The footage (below) shows the 89-year-old woman waiting for a bus in Wingfield as mugger Kirsty Moxon scans the street before grabbing the OAP’s bag.

Moxon, of Whitegate Walk, hit her victim on the back of the head before ripping away her bag and walking frame.

The victim fell, hitting her head and breaking her arm.


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After police officers were sent to the scene, Moxon (below) was quickly identified and arrested by detectives a matter of hours later. She was charged with robbery the following day.

PC Jack Mitchell, investigating said: “This was a particularly shocking incident which saw a vulnerable woman targeted and attacked.

“Although we were very quickly able to apprehend Moxon, the attack left the woman requiring a prolonged period of recovery, taking away her independence.

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Cash totalling £300 was stolen, as well as the woman’s car keys and bank cards.

PC Mitchell added: “Although upsetting, the robbery provoked a tremendous response from the local community who set up a fundraiser to reimburse the woman for the money Moxon had stolen.

“I want to wholeheartedly thank everyone involved in this, for their positive response and support they have provided to both us and the victim.

“I am glad we were able to put Moxon before the courts and secure a custodial sentence.

“Our job is to protect the most vulnerable people in our society, and I do hope the local community is reassured by the fast and positive action taken by us in this case.”