Police volunteer who tackled anti-social behaviour in Rotherham honoured

PC Abaid Hussain and Inspector Jenny LaxPC Abaid Hussain and Inspector Jenny Lax
PC Abaid Hussain and Inspector Jenny Lax
A SPECIAL Constable who helped to cut anti-social behaviour in Rotherham town centre by a quarter has received a top police volunteers’ award.

PC Abaid Hussain (24) recently joined Derbyshire Police as a full-time constable.

But the model citizen gave his spare time over six years to South Yorkshire Police — first as a cadet, then a cadet leader and finally a Special Constable.

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PC Hussain has earned a 2018 Lord Ferrers Award for helping to combat anti-social drinking and begging in Rotherham.

Insp Jennifer Lax, of Rotherham Central Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “Abaid is the most committed volunteer I have ever had the pleasure to work with.

“He has worked tirelessly in the town centre for the past 12 months, addressing problems and issues with individuals and premises.

“He was prolific in enforcing the town’s public space protection order, demonstrating considerable courage by seizing alcohol, making arrests and challenging problem sellers of alcohol.

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“His intervention has led to a significant reduction in street drinking and begging incidents.”

PC Hussain said: “I feel very honoured to have been nominated, let alone win the award.

“I joined the Special Constabulary as I wanted to find a volunteer role where I could make a real positive difference.

“Winning this award has confirmed to me that I have made a difference within Rotherham town centre and the local community.”

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He added: “This award also recognises the great team behind me — those who helped me to make a real difference and helped support me.

“If you are thinking of becoming a Special Constable, I say go for it.

“It has helped me so much to fulfil my ambition of becoming a full-time police officer, which is a career that I have always wanted.”

Visit www.tinyurl.com/sypspecials for more information on becoming a Special Constable.