Lottery win joy for Rawmarsh community group

With some of the youngsters who attend the group are, from left to right: support worker Jane Matthews, secretary Caroline Langston and acting session leader Susanne Johnson. 1905290-2With some of the youngsters who attend the group are, from left to right: support worker Jane Matthews, secretary Caroline Langston and acting session leader Susanne Johnson. 1905290-2
With some of the youngsters who attend the group are, from left to right: support worker Jane Matthews, secretary Caroline Langston and acting session leader Susanne Johnson. 1905290-2
Activate Rawmarsh has been awarded £91,949 from BBC Children in Need, which will enable the after school and holiday activities club to open an additional day during term-time and offer more activities during holidays.

A CLUB for young people with additional needs has been awarded its biggest grant yet - meaning it can continue helping dozens of families for three more years.

The club provides free activities and a social environment for children with disabilities and additional needs, allowing young people to enjoy fun physical activities, improve confidence and self-esteem, encouraging them to build friendships.

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Caroline Langston, secretary at Activate Rawmarsh, said the club was “delighted” and “relieved” to hear they had been awarded the vital funding.

“We’ve been awarded Children In Need funding for the last five years, but this is the biggest grant we have ever had and means we can carry on for another three years,” said Caroline.

The funding not only provided stability for staff but had also given peace of mind to its users with additional needs “who don’t want constant change”, said Caroline.

Children aged from three to 18 can attend Activate Rawmarsh - based at the High Street Centre next to the Methodist Church - which offers a range of different clubs to suit varying needs.

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“Families told us they really loved coming, but missed contact with staff and their friends over the six weeks holiday,” said Caroline.

“Now, the plan is to keep these friendships going over the summer break and go on trips and offer more activities.”

Across Rotherham, BBC Children in Need is currently funding 13 projects to a value of more than £669,000.

Speaking of the new grant, Elizabeth Myers, regional head of the north at BBC Children in Need, said: “We are delighted to fund the work of Activate Rawmarsh and look forward to seeing the difference that this grant will make to children and young people across the town. 

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“We are incredibly grateful for the public’s generosity as without them this funding simply wouldn’t be possible.”

Alongside the Main and Small Grants Programmes, BBC Children in Need has re-opened Curiosity - a partnership with Wellcome - which awards grants to organisations using inspiring science activities to create change for disadvantaged children and young people. 

For more information on Curiosity and how to apply visit

If you are interested in attending Activate Rawmarsh, call 01709 719478.

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