Coffee rush for committed shoplifter lands him in jail

Dean HeapsDean Heaps
Dean Heaps
A SHOPLIFTER who refused to return stolen coffee jars after being tackled by a shop assistant has been jailed.

Dean Heaps (39), of Badsley Moor Lane, tried to steal seven Douwe Egbert coffee jars worth £35 from B&M Bargains on College Street, Rotherham.

Heaps, who committed the offence while subject to a suspended sentence, was jailed for eight months at Sheffield Crown Court after admitting theft and breaching a suspended sentence.

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Prosecutor Mr Carl Fitch said Heaps had been spotted putting coffee jars in his bag by another customer.

A member of staff approached him and gave him the chance to put the coffee back on the shelf, but instead Heaps started to run towards the exit.

As he darted past the tills, a shop assistant managed to grab hold of him, Mr Fitch said.

“He gave one jar of coffee back and tried to leave the store, but was led back in to the store and the police were called,” the prosecutor said.

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Ms Joy Merriam, mitigating, said Heaps had a history of dishonesty offences in which he committed to fund his long-standing drug addiction and would lose his homeless accommodation if he was jailed.

Ms Merriam said Heaps had been engaging in a drug treatment programme and wanted to address his drug problem.

Judge Robert Moore said: “For reasons I find it difficult to understand you have been a serial offender, breaching all sorts of community orders and suspended sentences.

“What you have never been given is a custodial sentence and the circumstances have finally arrived where an immediate custodial sentence can be justified.”

Heaps was ordered to serve two months for theft and his six-month suspended sentence for a burglary and theft committed last year was activated.