Can you help retired Advertiser journalist Charlie Graves find life-saving duo?

Charlie recovering at home after his heart attackCharlie recovering at home after his heart attack
Charlie recovering at home after his heart attack
RETIRED Advertiser journalist Charlie Graves has appealed for help in tracing two off-duty nurses who saved his life after he suffered a heart attack in the street.

And he wants the modest Good Samaritans to be honoured for their quick-thinking and selfless actions.

He said: “They were amazing and I’m convinced that without their critical intervention I wouldn’t have survived.”

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The drama unfolded last Friday afternoon after 66-year-old Charlie was struck down by chest pains while shopping in Aldi at Fitzwilliam Road, Eastwood.

After a few minutes they eased but returned more severely as he drove home to Mile Oak Road, Broom — just a few hundred yards from Rotherham General Hospital.

He managed to park and was in such pain he decided to walk to the A&E Department, but collapsed after a few steps of the journey as he struggled to ring 999.

As he slumped to the ground, an off-duty nurse walking in the opposite direction spotted him and immediately took charge.

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She made sure that stricken Charlie was comfortable on the ground before grabbing his mobile phone and continuing the call to emergency services.

Three times she pleaded for an ambulance but one never arrived.

A second nurse stopped to help and even though it was cold and raining, took off her coat and wrapped it around Charlie to keep him warm.

Eventually, the nurses decided his condition was deteriorating so the second, older nurse got her car and they drove him to Rotherham Hospital.

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Following an ECG Charlie was taken by ambulance to the specialist coronary care unit at Sheffield’s Northern General Hospital.

Tests confirmed he had suffered a heart attack and medics inserted a metal stent to clear a blocked artery to his heart.

He was discharged on Monday and, relaxing at home, was quick to praise the efforts of the two mystery nurses.

He said: “They were absolutely amazing. I don’t know what I would have done without them.

“I couldn’t possibly have walked to the hospital.

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“Even though it wasn’t far, it was uphill and I was in so much pain.

“I’m not sure how long I was laying on the pavement while the nurse tried to get an ambulance, but I reckon it could have been up to half an hour.

“But they couldn’t wait any longer and got me to safety. That is all that concerned them before they felt they could leave me.

“Otherwise I would have been stranded in the street and there is no doubt in my mind I would have simply died. 

“Those nurses are everything that is good about the NHS.”

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Charlie is keen to trace the duo to say a proper “thank you”and feels their efforts should be honoured.

“I did ask the first nurse her name while I was being treated in Rotherham but I was in such a state I can’t remember it,” he said.

“Whatever they are paid, it’s not enough.”

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