PHOTO GALLERY: Families enjoy half-term at Tropical Butterfly House

The Butterfly House at North Anston, recently opened their Enchanted Fairy Garden to children, over the recent half term. Fairy Sophie is seen in the garden. 170888-6The Butterfly House at North Anston, recently opened their Enchanted Fairy Garden to children, over the recent half term. Fairy Sophie is seen in the garden. 170888-6
The Butterfly House at North Anston, recently opened their Enchanted Fairy Garden to children, over the recent half term. Fairy Sophie is seen in the garden. 170888-6
DOZENS of visitors enjoyed fairy guided tours over the Half-term break as part on Enchanted Fairy Forest event at North Anston’s Tropical Butterfly House.

Families encountered pixie dwellings, dragons, fairy hideaways and the White Witch’s Cottage.

See below for a slideshow of images from the event and click here to buy a copy of any of the photographs.

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