Paul Warne's Christmas wish list

CHRISTMAS is here, there are presents are under the tree and we're about to crack open the egg nog. It really is my favourite time of year and, like everyone, I have a festive wish list...


CHRISTMAS is here, there are presents under the tree and we're about to crack open the egg nog. It really is my favourite time of year and, like everyone, I have a festive wish list...

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I’d love some snow for Christmas. The Warnes are big sledgers and the last bit of snow we had didn’t count for anything.

We have five sledges in our house and there are only four of us, that’s how much we like snow.

I’d like to see some snow, a white Christmas would be unbelievable.

A good Christmas for me would include a phone call from Mick McCarthy saying he’s happy for me to keep Kieffer Moore, but as we all know, the chances of that happening are very slim.

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I would like to have a conversation with my physios telling me all of my players are fit. In fairness, Jon Taylor and Darren Potter are getting closer, but that would be good.

Numerous wins over the Christmas period would be good but maximum wins would be ace.

A little bit of hair regrowth would be nice as my head is getting colder and colder on the side of the pitch, so that would be great.

I’d like to get gifts for all my staff too.

I’d get Mike Pollitt a helicopter because he drives in from Bolton every day and leaves at about half five every morning, so he’d get a helicopter to get here quicker.

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I would give Richie Barker some sunshine I think because he is a glass half empty kind of guy whereas I’m more a glass half full. I’d get him some sunshine and stand-up comedy lessons to cheer him up.

Matt Hamshaw is a little bit grumpy too, but I’d get him a trial with the Sheffield Steelers. He loves watching them and he talks a great game, he thinks he could be a pro ice hockey player so I’d get him a trial and be his agent trying to get him a two year deal.

For myself, I’d like heated seats on the bench. I’d sit down a lot more if I had heated seats and it would be much better for my stress levels.

It’s a comprehensive list, I do not mess around when I write it.

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I’d also like to wish every one a very merry Christmas from all the staff and players at Rotherham United Football Club.

Make sure you spend it with your family and your loved ones and I honestly hope you all have a really good time.

I hope you enjoy your Christmas day as much as you enjoy watching us throughout the festive period and on into 2018.

Hopefully you will see us shoot back up the League One table over this busy period.

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It’s been a tough 12 months to stomach but the true fans support the team through the ups and the downs.

I honestly believe we are on an upward curve towards getting back to where we want to be.

At the minute we are seeing green shoots of improvement and we just need to get some more wins under our belts.

If you can make the effort and get to the game at Bury on Boxing Day then that’s great. Make sure you wear your new jumper or coat you get off your aunty when you come and support the boys.

Life’s pretty special isn’t it, so make sure you enjoy yourselves, stay safe and healthy and spend this special time of year with the people who you love.