Suspect's "No comment" when questioned over OAP's murder

MURDER suspect Dale Jones stated “No comment” or stayed silent through six police interviews about the attack on and death of Mushin Ahmed, a court heard.

Jones (30), of East Bawtry Road, Whiston kept quiet even though co-accused Damien Hunt (30) and other witnesses were talking to police, a jury heard today.

Det Con Claire Moss confirmed at Sheffield Crown Court that detectives questioned Jones three times while Mr Ahmed (81) was in hospital and three times after his death.

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Jones was shown CCTV footage which put him near the scene of the attack on Mr Ahmed, last August 10.

He was also told accounts given to police by Hunt (30) and witnesses Shane and Kieran Rice.

But Jones said nothing at all through three interviews lasting nearly an hour each.

Det Con Moss said Hunt, of Doncaster Road, East Dene, told her when she first arrested him on suspicion of assault: “It weren’t me what did it.”

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She added that Hunt later said, when charged with Mr Ahmed's murder: “I didn’t do it, miss. Jonesy did it, miss.”

Interviewed about his role in the attack, Hunt first told police that he was home in bed when it happened.

He said an injury on his hand, linked by forensic scientists to DNA traces found on Mr Ahmed’s broken dentures, was caused when he hit a lamp post on his bicycle.

He told officers a “Romanian gypsy woman” had caused him to swerve, grazing his hand on the pole.

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Trial witnesses have claimed Jones urged them to tell police nothing after the attack on Mr Ahmed.

One said he bragged that he would not be caught, as police had no evidence against him.

Both Jones and Hunt deny murder. The trial continues.


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