Rotherham mums’ campaign forces change in law

A CAMPAIGN started in Rotherham to boost the rights of mums using surrogates has finally forced a change in the law.

The Children and Families Act, which gained royal assent this week, means means parents having children through surrogacy will be entitled to the same leave and pay as those having their own or adopting.

It is a big victory for cousins Jane Kassim, from Clifton, and Amy Bellamy, from Rawmarsh, who went to teamed up with the Advertiser to raise awareness of the issue and enlisted the help of Wentworth and Dearne MP John Healey.

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They found the loophole in the law after Amy offered to have Jane’s baby and in March 2012 eventually ended up carrying twin girls — Isla and Ivy — for Jane and husband Adis.

Jane and Adis were only entitled to 13 weeks’ unpaid parental leave, even though they would be caring for the straight after the birth.

But with the backing of the Advertiser and Mr Healey, the campaigning cousins forced MPs into a rethink and this week their fight was declared a success.

Mr Healey said:  “Jane knew it would be too late for her to benefit but she and Amy should be extremely proud that by highlighting this unfairness they have helped dozens of future families across the country in similar situations.

“This is a victory for Jane, mums like her and it is a victory for common sense and common justice.”