Rotherham council faces £3.63m in liability claims for injuries and damages on roads

LIABILITY claims against the council for injuries and damage on Rotherham’s roads have totalled £3.63 million in the past 20 years.

The highest was in 2015/16 when 26 payouts added up to £636,534 and the lowest full year was the £5,024 bill in 2021/22.

The current year’s total stood at just £341 with three months left to go, although claims considered by the county court can take years to be processed.

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A report to cabinet says: “The council’s success in complying with the requirements set out in the Highways Act means that the council currently repudiate 94 per cent of all highways insurance claims.

“Between 2011 and 2015, the council received a monthly average of 30 claims for alleged damage to vehicles and personal injury claims.

“The improvement to the highway network has now seen a substantial reduction in the number of claims received to the lowest ever recorded at an average of 14 claims per month and a total of 169 claims received in 2022.”

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