New home for Brampton United juniors

A JUNIOR football team held an open day to show off its new home on Sunday.

Brampton United Junior Football Club has taken on The Kabins which were boarded-up portable buildings that have now been renovated.

Proceeds from the day are being shared between maintaining The Kabins and the charity Jason’s Journey.

The open day included two charity football matches.

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In the first match, Valley Knights Under 16 beat Brampton United Under 15s 2-0 and were presented with the Brampton United JFC Annual Charity Junior Cup 2015.

In the second game, Brampton United JFC Coaches won the Annual Charity Adult Cup against local dad Luke Sykes’ team 3-2.

Other attractions on the day included a penalty shoot-out, soak ya coach, tombola, raffle, basketball and a pool challenge.

Club chairperson Samantha Senior said: “There was a great club turnout with players enjoying their new facilities.”

She added that after seeing details of the open day, Dearne and District Football Club offered to put out collection buckets at their presentation evenings and raised £168.