MP pledges to put pay rise into constituency

MP JOHN Healey has vowed to plough his ten per cent pay rise into his constituency office.

All 650 MPs have been given the above-inflation hike from £67,000 to £74,000 after it was determined by the independent authority IPSA.

Some have pledged to donate their extra salary to charity, but Wentworth and Dearne MP Mr Healey said at least some of the cash was needed to do his job.

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“What MPs do with their salary, like everyone else, is down to them,” he said.

“For my part, I'll put the increase into my constituency office because the Tory cuts to tax credits, benefits and services will make our job and life much harder for many people in our area.

“I’ve always subsidised my local office and donated to charity, and I’ll carry on doing this.”

Sir Kevin Barron, MP for Rother Valley, said: “This independent decision means that all MPs will receive the increase.

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“I will continue to support local charities in my constituency as I have always done.”

The Advertiser asked Rotherham MP Sarah Champion about her plans for the pay rise but she had not responded when the paper went to press.