Football fans urged to be aware of fire risk

FOOTBALL fans are being urged to take care to prevent house fires after South Yorkshire firefighters have revealed that they attended 150 accidental blazes during the last three football tournaments in which England have qualified.

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue attended 59 house fires during the last World Cup and 58 during the same month long tournament in 2010 — both higher numbers than would be attended on average each month. 

Crews attended 33 incidents during the three-week Euro 2012 tournament.

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Head of community safety Trevor Bernard said: “Expectations for the England football team might be relatively low this summer, but sadly we fully expect to see another rise in fires as millions settle down to watch the tournament and probably have a drink at the same time.

“Alcohol and cooking just don’t mix. It makes you uncoordinated and more likely to have a fire, and less likely to escape if you do have one.

“So if you’ve been to the pub to watch the match, grab a takeaway on the way home instead, and if you just can’t tear your eyes from the inevitable penalty shoot out, turn the cooker off and take the pan off the hob.”


Home fire safety tips include:

* Make sure you have smoke alarms on every floor of your home and test them regularly;

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* Take extra care in the kitchen and never leave cooking unattended;

* Never use a chip pan or any other pan filled with hot oil;

* Don’t overload electric sockets– most can only take a maximum of 13 amps;

* Put out cigarettes properly and dispose of them carefully.