Rotherham sex abuser jailed after ‘traumatising’ teen girl

Colin ShawColin Shaw
Colin Shaw
A SEX abuser who took advantage of a young girl after giving her alcohol has been jailed.

Colin Shaw (51) gave his 15-year-old victim multiple cans of beer before touching her inappropriately and attacking her at his Rotherham home.

He put his hand up her top and inside her bra – leaving his teenage victim traumatised, police said, and the morning after Shaw encouraged her to stay silent and downplay what happened.

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Det Con Charlotte Adamson, from South Yorkshire Police’s major crime unit, said: “Shaw took advantage of his young victim by plying her with alcohol before subjecting her to a sickening assault.

“To make matters worse, Shaw then encouraged her to downplay what had happened before touching her inappropriately once again.

“I cannot imagine how terrified she must have been after such a traumatic ordeal and I want to commend the bravery of the victim for showing courage beyond her years in reporting this to us.

“It’s thanks to her bravery that this dangerous sex offender is now behind bars and I hope his imprisonment will bring his victim and their family some comfort.”

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Shaw, previously of the Worksop area, was found guilty of one count of sexual assault and not guilty of another following a trial at Sheffield Crown Court.

He was jailed at the same court for three years and four months on December 22 and has been placed on the sex offenders’ register for life.

DC Adamson added: “We will continue to track down predators like Shaw who seek to abuse and sexually assault underage children, and I would urge anyone who has been a victim of sexual assault to come forward.

“We are here to listen and support you, and together we can seek justice to get these dangerous individuals behind bars and where they belong.”

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A police spokesperson added: “If you have been the victim of sexual abuse, it is important to remember that you are not to blame, you do not have to cope on your own. Please access support and report to us so we can investigate.”

  • Victims of sexual offences are provided lifelong anonymity by law. It is a criminal offence to name them or share any information which may lead to them being identified.