Rotherham drug dealer's cash seized

POLICE have seized more than £1,800 in cash after a drugs arrest in Rotherham.

A forfeiture order was obtained at Rotherham Magistrates’ Court last month after an incident in August.

The money was initially seized at a property in Holmes after officers stopped and searched a 32-year-old man and he was found in possession of cannabis.

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At Sheffield Crown Court in September John Ackroyd of Meadow Street, Holmes, Rotherham pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply and was sentenced to 32 weeks in jail, suspended for 18 months.

The forfeiture was not contested by Ackroyd.

Det Sgt Rob Platts said: “South Yorkshire Police will actively pursue investigations into recovering any money believed to have come from proceeds of crime.  

“Any persons found to have benefited from their criminality need to prepare themselves to not only receive sentences imposed by court, but also to lose money and assets from their ill-gotten gains.”