Prolific fraudster targeted ten homes

Lee TurtonLee Turton
Lee Turton
A PROLIFIC fraudster who targeted a string of vulnerable victims in Darfield has been jailed for 48 weeks.

Lee Turton (40) knocked on doors and asked to be paid, pretending he had carried out guttering  work.

He also made claims about his vehicle breaking down and not having enough money for a taxi home.

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Turton targeted six Darfield addresses between 11pm and midnight on March 28 and another four at about the same time on May 19.

Turton, of Underwood Avenue, Kendray, appeared before magistrates in Sheffield last Wednesday and admitted ten counts of fraud.

PC Will Oya said: “Turton is a persistent offender who systematically targeted a number of vulnerable and elderly victims late in the evening.

“Offences such as this can have a lasting impact on the victims, and I hope this result provides reassurance that South Yorkshire Police will work tirelessly to bring offenders to justice and protect the most vulnerable members of our communities.

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“I also want to thank all of Turton’s victims for coming forward and reporting his crimes to us.  Speaking out has led to a repeat offender being removed from the streets.”

Tips from South Yorkshire Police to protect against bogus callers:

  • Be suspicious of anybody who turns up at your door uninvited.
  • Always keep your door locked with the chain on.
  • Ask a relative or friend who lives nearby to be on standby to pop over if somebody turns up on your doorstep and you’re unsure of what to do.
  • Ask to see callers’ ID cards if they claim to be from a company. Genuine callers will never have a problem if you say you'd like to take extra steps to verify who they are.
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