Candle fire warning after small blaze

FIREFIGHTERS are warning residents about the dangers of candles after a small fire was caused by a candle left burning on a mantel.

Crews from Maltby and Aston were called to a home, Four Lane Ends at Blyth in Firbeck, at 11.30pm on Saturday (8) night.

A South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue (SYFR) spokeswoman said the accidental fire was out on arrival but the crews from Maltby and Aston used the fans to deal with the smoke.

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The incident was dealt with in just over half an hour, but firefighters said the incident could have been much worse.

SYFR said people using candles should follow these simple safety tips to prevent the risk of fire:

Don't leave them burning in a room with no one in it.

Don't put them in or next to plants, flowers or foliage. Ribbons and other decorations around the candle holder could also catch fire.

Make sure they're in holders that won't fall over.

Put night lights/tea lights on a heat-resistant surface.

Keep them away from curtains and furniture, and not under a surface, like a shelf.

Don't put them where they could be knocked over easily or where people could burn their clothes or hair on them.

Make sure they're completely out – not smouldering.