Carnival called off as rain causes safety fears

THE soggy summer has claimed another victim after Harthill Carnival was cancelled today.

Carnival secretary Rachael Brown said the the field where the carnival was due to be held is waterlogged and the decision to cancel had been made on safety grounds.

".We are trying to organise an alternative event in September and more details will follow nearer the time, " said Rachael.

"I apologise for any inconvenience and disappointment."

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The rain is expected to continue in the Rotherham all day today with a Met Office severe weather warning in place and the possibility of localised flooding because of the saturated ground.

The rain is expected to give way to cloudy conditions with sunny spells tomorrow and Thursday with more heavy rain on the way on Friday.

Has the rain hit your event? Will your fete or carnival be going ahead as planned. Email [email protected] and we'll help you make sure everybody knows.