WHAT'S ON: Maltby

What's on in your local area

KIVETON PARK INDEPENDENT ADVICE CENTRE: A drop-in session, with no appointment necessary, will be held on Tuesday 1.30-3.30pm at the Customer Service Centre, Braithwell Road in Maltby. To contact (office hours) 01909 773966.


MALTBY TOWN COUNCIL GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE: The meeting on February 11 was attended by 10 councillors and town clerk Mrs Kate Butler. The minutes of the meeting held on January 14 were confirmed. Discussion took place about the moveable and the static speed sign. The clerk informed the committee that RMBC had agreed to deliver the moveable speed sign to her for user groups and schools to use in association with South Yorkshire Police. It was also reported that a static sign would hopefully be installed on Blyth Road within two months. Discussion took place about installing lights for the skate park. Cllr Biggin reported that the bulbs for the solar/electric lights at Bramley cost £90 each. The committee considered the use of a street cleaner. It was resolved that the clerk speaks to fellow clerks to ascertain costs of their handymen and to enquire if any are using the Billy Goat cleaner and if they would recommend it. It was also resolved that the clerk would bring the prices for new Christmas lights back to the next meeting. The council would be involved in the Clean Up For The Queen/Maltby Clean Up and it was resolved that the clerk be given delegated powers to organise the clean-up event. It was also resolved to ask Michael Conlon for a quote for the cleaning of the spring on Maltby Crags Meadow. It was resolved that the area around the cenotaph is mowed twice monthly in the summer, once by RMBC and once by Complete Garden Services. It was resolved to give delegated powers to the clerk in order to arrange the internal repainting of the Edward Dunn Memorial Hall to a budget of £1,500. It was resolved that the clerk looks through archived minutes for the funding stipulations for the public square. It was resolved that the clerk purchases security giveaways for the safety/information event with the remaining SNT budget. The clerk advised that RMBC was looking at the Emergency Plan on behalf of the council. It was agreed that councillors bring changes to the action plan to the clerk and that it is pulled together in a new document for the next meeting.


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EDWARD DUNN BROWNIES: The Brownies made small craft handbags and filled them with chocolates for Mother’s Day. The Brownies started work on the World Cultures badge.


ST BARTHOLOMEW’S CHURCH: Weekly Lent Group 7pm on Wednesdays and 2pm Mondays – contact the rectory for details. St Bartholomew’s Church is located on Church Lane off A634 S66 8JB. Arrangements for baptisms and weddings can be made in the church vestry 6-7pm on Mondays. For further information find St Bart’s on Facebook or www.stbartholomewsmaltby.org. Contact the churchwardens 01709817781 or 01709 818729 or Rev Mike Rajkovic 01709814914.


BEVAN CRESCENT: The redecoration of the centre continues. The Age UK group met and had a quiz and singalong. St Bartholomew’s Church will now hold a Eucharist (Holy Communion) in the centre on the first Wednesday of each month 11am. Keith Stringer holds a surgery every Thursday in the centre 10am-noon.


SURGERY TIMES: Cllr John Turner, who represents the Hellaby ward on Rotherham Council, holds a surgery at Brooklands Club on Rotherham Road, Maltby, on the fourth Tuesday of each month 5.30-6.30pm.

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