WHAT'S ON: Maltby

What's on in your local area

KIVETON PARK INDEPENDENT ADVICE CENTRE: A drop-in session, with no appointment necessary, will be held on Tuesday 1.30-3.30pm at the Customer Service Centre, Braithwell Road in Maltby. To contact (office hours) 01909 773966.


SURGERY TIMES: Cllr John Turner, who represents the Hellaby ward on Rotherham Council, holds a surgery at Brooklands Club on Rotherham Road, Maltby, on the fourth Tuesday of each month 5.30-6.30pm.


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MALTBY TOWN COUNCIL: The meeting on December 3 was attended by 13 councillors, town clerk Mrs K Butler and five members of the public. Prior to the meeting a presentation was given by Colin Ellis, workplace health advisor, informing the public of different benefits available to ex-miners. Thanks were given to Cllr Andrews and MTC for the removal of leaves on Lilly Hall Road and on Black Hill. There was an enquiry as to what will happen to Maltby Fire Station when it has transferred to the police station. Several thank you cards were received from residents regarding the Christmas dinner. Mr G Worrall, Person of the Year, had also sent a thank you card to the council. A letter of thanks had also been received from the chairperson of Maltby British Legion, for the two minutes’ silence organised by the council on Armistice Day. It was resolved that a defibrillator is registered and installed as soon as possible and that a date in January is set for the official launch. The clerk updated that the Christmas dinners had gone very well. However, if the council resolved to fund Christmas dinners next year, changes would need to be made on the administration side. It was resolved that the clerk looks further into the feasibility of the council owning a cemetery. It was resolved that a working party is established to look into funding for a new build. It was agreed that further quotes are gained for the installation of solar panels and brought back to the next meeting. It was resolved that the clerk ascertains if any permissions are required to have a plaque erected on a property where the Alzanas previously lived. It was agreed that a budget of £500 is available for printing and booklets on Neighbourhood Watch and that the clerk speaks to the Rotherham co-ordinator. It was resolved that a letter is sent to the Crime Police Commissioner and to Sir Kevin Barron MP expressing the council’s concerns over the lack of policing in Maltby. It was resolved that the council fund a holiday programme as in previous years with a maximum budget of £6,000. It was resolved that £75,000 be invested with Hampshire Trust Bank for a 12 month period subject to the interest rate not reducing by more than 10 per cent from November 2015. It was also agreed that £75,000 be invested with the Co-Op Bank for a 12 month period at the end of February subject to the interest rate not reducing by more than 10 per cent from November 2015. It was agreed that Maltby Netball Club be awarded a grant of £1,000 under Local Government (Misc Provisions) Act 1976.


MALTBY TOWN COUNCIL GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE: The meeting on November 12 was attended by nine councillors, town clerk Mrs K Butler and Claire Cope, manager of Maltby Linx. The committee was advised by Claire Cope that the dark night’s programme had been well received. It was also advised on what days the detached workers were deployed and in which areas of Maltby. It was resolved that the clerk speaks to the Area Assembly to ascertain if solar panels can be installed at the skate park on Manor Fields. The clerk informed the committee that to date Dignity had not replied to any correspondence sent by MTC. However, an officer from RMBC had informed her that Dignity were aware of the problems with the trees and were arranging for work to be carried out. Cllr Heaps updated that she had visited the pigeon lofts with Cllr Dickinson and that everything was fine. It was resolved that the summer hanging baskets are reduced to 120 and are positioned on Rotherham Road through to Tickhill Road and other shopping areas. It was agreed that the cost of each allotment plot on the Limesway site remain the same. It was resolved that the clerk ascertains if insurance is required for community groups and MTC who are manning skips in the Community Clear Up. It was resolved that the clerk contacts the highway inspector regarding the state of the footpath on Grange Lane.


BEVAN CRESCENT: The Bevan Crescent Community Centre holds a coffee morning every Tuesday 10am-noon. Keith Stringer will be available to answer any questions.




FULL LIFE CHURCH: The Food Bank at Full Life Church, Maltby, is open each week throughout the year Monday and Thursday 11.30am-2pm. Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Job Club and Money Course will be starting shortly. Contact the church office 01709 818213.