WHAT’S ON: Brinsworth & Canklow

What's on in your area

ACTION ON HEARING LOSS: Volunteers hold a monthly hearing aid outreach service on last Tuesday of each month in Brinsworth. Lorraine Briscoe and her team visit the community centre to dispense spares, batteries and help. People requiring batteries, retubing, replacement grommets or advice about NHS hearing aids can call in 1-2pm for the free service.

BRINSWORTH COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL: The school has been recognised in a national award for outstanding contribution to promoting community cohesion. The school has been placed second in the annual Accord Inclusivity Award open to all schools in England and Wales. Examples of the school’s work in this area which was praised by the judges included a seating policy mixing students by ethnicity and gender, monitoring of racist incidents and bullying and exploring community cohesion in religious education.

WARD SURGERIES: Today – Brinsworth Community Hall 5.30 -6.30pm. September    2 – 5.30-6.30pm.