Secret footie fan Russell takes on the pasa doble

IT’S been an interesting and inspiring week so far.

First of all, Monday morning brought a flood of emails to be dealt with and later that morning the postman arrived with a bundle of fan mail. On top of all that there are all the wonderful messages on Twitter and Facebook.

I am totally bowled over by all these messages. Many of them tell me a little about people’s own history and how “Strictly” cheers them up at the weekend and how much they love to see Flavia and I take to the floor.

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Talking about Flavia - we have been working on the pasa doble and practicing hard each and every day. Flavia really is a joy to be with. At once uplifting, motivating, inventive and with a total focus on what needs to be achieved each week.

I am finding the Pasa Doble is quite a difficult dance, it has its roots in the intense colour and drama of the Spanish bullfighting arena and is based on the type of music played at the entrance of the matadors.

The bullfighter’s role is played by the man and traditionally the woman takes the part of the matador’s cape. But our version will be very, very different. I won’t say too much now but watch us on Saturdays show and I am sure you will be surprised, even amazed!

Wednesday evening saw me down at the local rugby club and if you think you will be surprised by our Pasa Doble wait to see what the rugby club get up to! As you can imagine there will be some hilarious moments.

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Something a little different is in the offing! You may not know it but I am often on BBC Radio 5 Live talking about non-league football and sometimes cricket.

I take a deep interest in all sorts of sport but especially non-league football and always have done, so it comes as a surprise to a lot of people to hear me talking footy. 5Live and Talksport are two stations who interview me regularly to get my thoughts on various matches and clubs.

This time around I will be chatting about next weekend’s FA Cup 1st round and what surprises it might hold.

I shall be joining Zoe again on “Strictly It Takes Two”. It’s always great to see Zoe, she is such fun and the show is one of my favourites.

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I am looking forward to Saturday’s show so much. It’s great to be dancing to the wonderful music and genuine joy to meet the rest of the gang. They are really wonderful people. Isn’t it a pity that at the end of each weekend we have to say goodbye to a couple. That’s “Strictly”!

More from me on Monday about how Saturday’s show went. Thanks again for all your wonderful messages and the affection and generous support you are giving me. You’ll never know how much it means to me.

“Thanks for being there!”


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