Learn about the EU for your community

COMMUNITY activists in Rotherham are being given the opportunity to learn about the workings of the European Union and then take that knowledge back into their communities.

A special project organised by the Workers' Educational Association (WEA) is offering free places on a seven session course with the added bonus of a trip to Brussels to study at first hand how the EU works.

The WEA wants to hear from people active within their communities in Rotherham and Europe, Democracy and Citizenship in the 21st Century will offer them the chance to understand how the EU works, how communities can have their voices heard, and how the EU needs to change for the people it represents. The course members will learn to undertake basic research and make a presentation, enabling them to go back into their communities and pass on what they have learned.

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The project is being financed by the European Parliament, and Yorkshire MEP Linda McAvan has provided a subsidy for the visit to the parliament in Brussels.  

The sessions and the visit to the EU's HQ will take place across May and June with a further day set aside in July for course members to meet Yorkshire's MEPs .

Closing date for applications is next Monday, April 20l. Anyone wishing to enrol for this free course should email [email protected] for an application form.