Take action before someone is hurt

FURTHER to the article in The Advertiser (June 14) and letters (June 21) about the closure of Broom Avenue, I’d like to make readers aware of the following points.

Broom Avenue residents petitioned the council over a year ago asking for traffic calming measures to stop speeding motorists. This petition followed a number of serious accidents.

As a result, the council consulted residents on whether to fully or partially close the junction on an experimental basis. In the consultation over 70 per cent of Broom Avenue/Oakwood Drive residents were in favour of a full or partial closure of the junction.

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Before the closure, around 330 vehicles per hour passed my house at peak times, many travelling at speeds in excess of 50mph. Following the junction closure, traffic on Broom Avenue, Oakwood Drive, Beechwood Road and Middle Lane reduced significantly. Unfortunately, traffic increased on Ledsham Road.

Since the council’s decision to reopen the junction, residents of Broom Avenue and Oakwood Drive have sent another petition to the council asking for options to reduce speeding motorists to be looked at. This petition had almost 100 signatures.

Our local councillors, Paul Lakin, Dave Pickering and Simon Currie, have been in touch with us, and are working with council officers to find a solution that addresses the concerns of residents of Broom Avenue, Oakwood Drive and Ledsham Road. I understand that the council is going to look again at the decision to reopen the junction, and is looking at what other measures could be taken.

My view, which I am sure is shared by many residents of Broom Avenue, is that I understand the concerns of the residents of Ledsham Road and don’t want my traffic problem to become their traffic problem. One thing that we all have in common is inconsiderate motorists who think that residential streets can be used as high speed short cuts. All that we are asking is that the council takes action to stop this before someone is seriously hurt, or worse.