LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Councillor has far too much time to spare

REGARDING the letter (June 23) from Mr AA Fletcher asking will Cllr Bennett-Sylvester fall on his sword regarding his attendance. I wouldn’t hold my breath, it’s all hot air.

I believe he’s now on a drive to get all councillors to clock in and clock out.

The last meeting I went to I walked out because he was walking in. I won’t sit in a meeting if he’s there.

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I was told after the meeting he was only there for five minutes, so he should practice what he’s always trying to preach, and he should be careful what he wishes for as it just might come back and bite him on the bum.

He really hasn’t a clue about being a councillor. Most people are committed when elected but if you are self employed or in a job where finding time during the day can be a problem it doesn’t make them less committed.

Does Sylvester even have a job? Does he have to juggle child care, employees not turning up to run the business etc?

I don’t think so.

He has too much time on his hands and he needs to get a life and resign as he said he would.

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