A real local voice for Maltby

Sir--As Maltby wakes up to the knowledge that we have a new Labour councillor and we rejoice at the defeat of the BNP, we in Maltby may be fooled into believing that it was because of a magnificent doorstep campaign by the local Labour group.

Well this cannot be further from the truth. The defeat and collapse of the BNP vote can be put down to the sheer determination and campaigning of one man, Michael Conlon.

To his credit he dared to go where the local Labour candidate and group dare not go (if they actually knew where to go).

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In Michael Conlon we had a man who knew who to challenge, knew who he had to take the argument to and he demonstrated the bravery to do it.

He walked the streets delivering every one of his 5,000 electoral leaflets single handedly with no party machine, PR or back room team on telephones with a call register.

He single-handedly fought the arguments against the BNP on the streets, doorsteps and in the local pubs and workingmen's clubs, never budging from his determination to rid Maltby of both the ignorance of BNP policIies and the local Labour party's arrogance and belief in their ''right to rule.'

With his honesty, local knowledge and forthrightness, he has won over many local people who believe they now have a locally-born politician who speaks for their concerns, worries and who will stand up for them and for their town, Maltby.

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Those people who went out to make a difference will hopefully stay with him in next year's elections.

In a time when we have candidates 'parachuted' in at the cost of good local people, Michael Conlon represents everything that is good and we used to respect in our politicians, born of the local people they wish to represent, demonstrate a real love of the people and area they want to represent, a deep and clear understanding of the people that they want to represent and finally and most importantly, an hardworking ethic and sheer determination to fight for a community spirit, a sense of our tradition and cultural heritage

So let us rejoice in ridding our town of the BNP but let us make no mistake who played the biggest part in providing a real alternative, who fought their ideology in their strongholds and who has given Maltby people a real choice next year, business as usual with Rotherham run Labour or a real local voice for the good of Maltby--Michael Conlon!

Andrew Searson, Joan Lane, Maltby.