I'm not responsible for student's canal death says pub manager: VOTE

MISMANAGEMENT at a “problem pub” contributed to a drunken student’s drowning, councillors were told.

Police have compiled evidence that they hope will result in Swinton’s Bridge Bar being stripped of its alcohol license.

They launched a review after the body of Jonathan Law (22) was found in the canal near the pub in July, following a birthday party night out.

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Licensing officer Pc Dave Thompson  showed Rotherham Borough Council’s licensing committee evidence of underage drinking and said that there had been nine incidents of violence since May 2010.

He added: “There’s damning evidence of how their premises are currently mismanaged.

“We have gone down the path of voluntary conditions and come to the unfortunate situation where a young man out celebrating a birthday has died.

“The only reason Jonathan Law was attracted to that area was because it’s the late bar.”

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Pub manager Marie Machin responded angrily, saying: “I do my job, I ask for ID.

“As for Jonathan Law, I don’t appreciate the police basically blaming me for his death. It’s not very nice to be branded with that.”

Mrs Machin and Brett Jones, who lease the pub from licence-holder Gary Mansfield, said the real issue was speed of dispersal after the 1.30am close on Fridays and Saturdays.

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They blamed the neighbouring 24-hour garage, where customers head for more alcohol, for pub customers lingering around Dunn Street.

Management proposed conditions including more security, CCTV at the lobby entrance, and a new designated premises supervisor.

They will be informed of a decision in writing next week.

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