House burglaries in Rotherham show large decrease in late 2023, police say

POLICE saw a substantial reduction in house burglaries across Rotherham during the last months of 2023.

There were 159 incidents at dwellings during October, which dropped to 128 in November.

The same two months in 2022 saw figures of 158 and 202 respectively.

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South Yorkshire Police said the December 2023 figure was expected to be similar to the previous month.

“We saw a significant increase at the end of 2022,” said Chief Supt Laura Koscikiewicz, Rotherham’s district commander.

“This time, we put an operation in place early doors targeting prolific offenders and didn’t see an increase at all.

“The operation involved high-vis and non-uniform patrols in hotspot areas where we’ve tended to see an increase.

“The neighbourhood crime team targeted prolific offenders. It meant we could get upstream of it, mitigate it and learn from the previous year.”