Veterans' flag "will have pride of place" at village hall

Thurcroft Parish Council chairman, Jeb Nightingale (left) with standard bearer, Ali Casey.Thurcroft Parish Council chairman, Jeb Nightingale (left) with standard bearer, Ali Casey.
Thurcroft Parish Council chairman, Jeb Nightingale (left) with standard bearer, Ali Casey.
EX-SERVICEMAN Jeb Nightingale said he was proud to receive a military veterans' flag on behalf of Thurcroft Parish Council.

Cllr Nightingale, who is also parish council chairman, served seven years in uniform as a member of the North Yorkshire Regiment and as a reserve between 1957 and 1964.

The flag presented by Thurcroft Veterans Association - which features the group's logo and the union flag - will be displayed at the council's HQ,  the Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall, which is also where the 46-strong association holds its meetings.

Cllr Nightingale said: "I'm very proud. Remembrance Day is always an important day in the village.

"The flag will be in pride of place for future generations to see."


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