Retired GP Dr Ted Daly more determined than ever to complete charity challenge after bike theft

Dr Ted Daly with his wife, Dr Jude Sanders, at Land's EndDr Ted Daly with his wife, Dr Jude Sanders, at Land's End
Dr Ted Daly with his wife, Dr Jude Sanders, at Land's End
A FORMER GP who is cycling the length of Britain to raise money for two hospices says he is even more determined to complete his challenge after his bike was stolen.

Dr Ted Daly (62), of Clifton Lane, Rotherham, was five days into his 15-day, 1,200-mile ride from Land’s End to John O’Groats when a thief snatched his £1,600 Genesis Tour de Fer while he was sheltering from a thunderstorm.

He has taken on the epic ride to raise money for St Luke’s Hospice and Rotherham Hospice, through the Master Cutler’s Challenge, which aims to bring in £200,000 for the charities overall.

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Dr Daly, who is interim chair of trustees at Rotherham Hospice, had already more than doubled his £3,000 target, when gift aid is included, and was expecting to increase his total further still.

All of Dr Daly’s cycling gear and tools, which were contained within panniers on the back of his bike, were stolen as well.

The bike belonging to his wife, Dr Jude Sanders (59) — a GP at Broom Lane Medical Centre who is cycling as far as Manchester with her husband — was not stolen.

But due to the Bristol bike-snatcher, Dr Daly was forced to splash out on a new Genesis bike, plus new cycling gear and tools, so he could continue his ride along the Sustrans cycle network.

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Dr Daly said: “We had cycled from Wells, been over the Mendip Hills and down into Bristol.

“It had been raining quite heavily and we were very wet and then there was this big thunderstorm.

“We put our bikes outside this cafe and we kept looking at the bikes while we were getting something to eat to check they were safe.

“I averted my eyes for a second and someone had cut through the lock.

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“We’re determined even more than ever to crack on and complete this challenge.”

Dr Daly, who worked for Rotherham Hospice from 1997 to 2010, said the money raised would go towards the charity’s community work.

“It’s not just about providing a building where people go to die — we provide support to people for years,” said Dr Daly.

“They might not have a terminal disease — it might be incurable — and most people prefer to die in their own home if the support is available.

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