Police: Swap Mad Friday for a mild one this Christmas

Chief Supt Rob OdellChief Supt Rob Odell
Chief Supt Rob Odell
HAVE a mild Friday rather than a mad one, police have urged.

The last Friday before Christmas is one of the busiest nights of the year for the force.

And Chief Supt Rob Odell said: “Thousands of people traditionally head for our town centres and the city after leaving work for the festive break. 

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“Many will enjoy a drink or two and if you’re planning on joining them, take responsibility for how much alcohol you consume. 

“We don’t want to see you in court on public order offences or worse. Don’t be one of the minority that commits a criminal offence and wakes up regretting it. 

“Drink responsibly and take only positive memories away from partying with your friends. Keep your actions mild this Friday and forget the mad tag.”

A dedicated policing operation will start from midday, with extra officers on the streets and more control centre operatives ready to deal with calls.

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South Yorkshire Police’s advice for those joining in the celebrations: 

  • Pace yourself, alternate alcoholic drinks with soft ones
  • Stay with friends and look out for each other, especially if you need to withdraw cash from an ATM, visit a takeaway in the early hours or hail a taxi
  • Trust your instincts and step away from a situation if you feel threatened
  • Don’t get so drunk that you are vulnerable and become a target for criminals
  • Plan how you are getting home before you go out
  • If one of your group needs to drive, designate a driver before you start drinking
  • Leave sufficient time for alcohol to exit your system before driving, including the morning after.