Man (61) found guilty of 20 historic offences against Rotherham children

Raymond RowlandRaymond Rowland
Raymond Rowland
A MAN has been found guilty of 20 child sex offences against boys and girls in Rotherham over four decades.

Raymond Rowland (61), formerly of Mexborough, was convicted of offences including attempted rape and indecent assault by a jury of six men and six women at Sheffield Crown Court today (Monday) following a two-week trial.

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His offending began in the 1970s and he assaulted his fifth victim in the early 2000s.

He was convicted of 13 counts of indecent assault, four counts of buggery, attempted rape, gross indecency and sexual assault of a child. He was cleared of one count of buggery.

Rowland, of West Street, Pontefract, was remanded in custody until December 6 when he is due to be sentenced.