"Lovely lady" stabbed to death in own home was massage parlour boss

Victim Jill HibberdVictim Jill Hibberd
Victim Jill Hibberd
A "LOVELY lady" stabbed to death in her home was the director of a massage parlour in a notorious sex shop area.

Police investigating the death of Jill Hibberd, formerly of Rotherham, told the Advertiser they do not believe her role at Fantasia in Attercliffe, Sheffield, was linked to her murder "in any way".

Ms Hibberd (73) was found stabbed to death in her Wombwell living room last Thursday.

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Lee Trevor Fueloep (40) appeared at Sheffield Crown Court yesterday charged with her murder and burglary.

Fueloep, of Willow Garth, Wombwell, is also charged with stealing Ms Hibberd's Audi TT which was taken from her driveway on nearby Roy Kilner Road.

A 22-year-old Wakefield man has also been arrested on suspicion of murder, burglary and theft and remained in custody yesterday.

Ms Hibberd's car was found with different number plates near Wakefield on Tuesday.

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Det Chief Insp Jude Ashmore said there was no sign of forced entry at her home and appealed for witnesses who may have seen her car in the days before and after her death.

Police said Ms Hibberd had no immediate family. 

Neighbours said she was a private woman who "kept herself to herself". One, who did not want to be named, said she had only moved to Roy Kilner Road around "four or five months ago".

Ms Hibberd previously lived near Clifton Park and prior to that on Cannon Close, Rawmarsh.

A former Rawmarsh neighbour, who lived next to her for around 18 months, described her as a "lovely lady".

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The 41-year-old mother-of-two said: "Even though we didn't see much of her due to school runs, she always said hello to me and my daughters and had a smile and a wave for us. 

"And even though we both moved out from there approximately around the same time, we did see her the odd time and she was always happy to see us, as were we her."

The neighbour said she believed Ms Hibberd left Cannon Close for Clifton in September 2015. 

The woman said Ms Hibberd's hair and make-up "was always done lovely" and she believed she had owned a beauty salon in Sheffield. 

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Companies House records show Ms Hibberd was appointed as director of Fantasia on Attercliffe Road in March 2009, when she lived in Worksop.

Det Chief Insp Ashmore said she wanted to hear from anyone with information about Ms Hibberd's Audi being taken from Roy Kilner Road on Wednesday, May 30, at around 9pm, at which time it had the registration number YM17 SYJ.

The car is also believed to have been seen with the registration YY63 CFA, after plates were stolen from another Audi in Barnsley town centre.

Det Chief Insp Ashmore said: "Can you offer any information as to where the car may have been up until its recovery on Tuesday?"

Anyone with information is urged to call the incident room on 01709 443510 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111, quoting incident 141 of May 31. 

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