WHAT'S ON: Thurcroft

What's on in your local area

KIVETON PARK INDEPENDENT ADVICE CENTRE: A drop-in session, with no appointment necessary, will be held on Thursday 2-4pm at the Welfare Hall in Thurcroft. To contact (office hours) 01909 773966.


CRAFT GROUP: Monday – meet in the Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall  1.30-2.20pm.


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LITTLE SAINTS: Monday – meet at St Simon and St Jude’s Parish Church 1.15-2.45pm.


FRIDAY CLUB: Tuesday – meet in St Simon and St Jude’s Church 5-6pm.


ALZHEIMER’S AND DEMENTIA MEMORY CAFÉ: Meet on Tuesday at the Gordon Bennett Memorial Hall 1.30-3.30pm.


THURCROFT FRIDAY CIRCLE: The next meeting will be held on January 15 when David will be talking about Housing.


THURCROFT LIBRARY: Monday – Chatterbooks 3.30-4.30pm. 


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THURCROFT COLLIERY AND VILLAGE WEBSITE: Photographs and newspaper cuttings are always wanted. Contact Fred Gething 01709 542461, [email protected], thurcroftcolliery.weebly.com  All material will be returned.


THURCROFT WALK AND TALK: January 13 – walk approximately five miles by the Chesterfield Canal, leader Carole Maloney, meet Anston Parish Hall.


ST SIMON AND ST JUDE’S PARISH CHURCH: Coffee mornings will recommence in the New Year. The car boot/table top sales start again in March.


THURCROFT WELFARE BAND: The band will be at the Butlin’s Mineworkers Open National Brass Band Festival from January 15-18. The band practises each Tuesday and Thursday 7.15pm. The Training Band meets on Saturday mornings. Both bands meet at the Band Room at the top of West Street.

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