American author who inspired Grimm and Co visits magical apothecary

Dave Eggers speaks to charity founder Deborah Bullivant and hears about childrens’ experiences at Grimm and Co.Dave Eggers speaks to charity founder Deborah Bullivant and hears about childrens’ experiences at Grimm and Co.
Dave Eggers speaks to charity founder Deborah Bullivant and hears about childrens’ experiences at Grimm and Co.
THE AMERICAN author who inspired a fantastical Rotherham charity has called it the “gold standard” in a worldwide network of writing centres.

San Francisco-based Dave Eggers won several awards for his 2000 memoir A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.

In 2009, he wrote the screenplay for children’s favourite Where the Wild Things are.

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And last year his 2013 novel The Circle became a Hollywood hit starring Emma Watson and Tom Hanks.

The novelist, journalist and human rights campaigner also founded 826 Valencia — the pirate-themed writing centre which inspired Grimm and Co.

Based on Doncaster Gate in the town centre, Grimm aims to improve children’s literacy through creative writing workshops.

The centre is also an apothecary to magical creatures, selling slimy substances disguised as soaps.

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Dave took a train from London, where he was speaking at a literary conference, to drop in on Rotherham’s strangest shop.

And he branded the building his favourite in a global network of similar shops.

Dave said: “We’re now an alliance of around 50 writing centres worldwide and none of them are more committed or more beautiful than this one.

“Ever since I saw a photograph of Grimm and Co shared through our network, it’s been an obsession for me.

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“While I was in London I just had to take an extra day to see this place — it has completely exceeded all of my expectations.”

He added: “They’ve committed so fully to their theme and made it so incredibly beautiful.

“The attention to detail is amazing — I love all the old wood and brass. I think it would take a few days to really take it all in.

“It really is the gold standard for what a young people’s writing centre should look like.”

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After a whistle-stop tour of the spectacular store, Dave heard two boys talk about their experiences in Grimm workshops.

He said: “It sounds like it’s been an absolutely transformative place for the young people who have come here.

“Can you imagine being nine and having this place around the corner? It’s like having Disneyworld in your town.

“Kids living in Rotherham are very, very lucky to have such a special place here.

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“I shouldn’t play favourites, but I think this is my favourite of all the writing centres I have seen.”

Grimm founder Deborah Bullivant, charity staff and volunteers showed Dave and other special guests around the centre.

Rotherham bard Ray Hearne and League of Gentlemen writer Jeremy Dyson — both patrons of the charity — also attended the transatlantic visit.

Deborah said: “Dave is an amazing author and writer. He’s also the inspiration for the way Grimm and Co is.\!q I’m ecstatic to have him here.

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“I was looking for a model for Grimm and I saw a TED Talk about Dave and 826 Valencia.

“And it’s not that we’ve been badgering him to come — he called us asking if he could pop in while he was in the UK.

“For celebrated writers like him and Jeremy Dyson to be in the same room, talking about how they support Grimm, is very exciting.”

Deborah hopes to work with Dave on exchange trips for Rotherham children to his San Francisco base.

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Deborah said: “I’m so proud of our children and the people behind Grimm. They’re so talented and they work so hard as well.

“In the last two years we’ve worked with over 6,000 children.

“We work with schools right across Yorkshire and we’re seeing daily the impact it has on young people.

She added: “It’s fantastic to have Dave’s recognition of the quality of what we’ve achieved here in Rotherham.

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“I hope we’re on his radar now and that he takes away a feel for what we have done, having talked to the children and their parents.

“I hope that stays in his heart and he carries it with him.”

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