Outcry at plans to build nearly 100 homes on former greenbelt land

Treeton residents are against the plansTreeton residents are against the plans
Treeton residents are against the plans
DOZENS of residents have spoken out against plans for nearly 100 homes on former greenbelt land.

Jones Homes hopes to built 94 properties on farmland south of Wood Lane at the eastern end of Treeton.

Plans for the 3.14-hectare site include 188 parking spaces and the pitwheel moved to sit beside the estate entrance.

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Treeton Parish Council has led the opposition to the proposals submitting a detailed, 1,400-word response listing its objections.

A spokesman said: “Over the last 20 years the village has virtually doubled in size. The infrastructure of the village in this time has not been improved to cater for such developments.

“The roads through the village are in desperate need of upgrading and repair, highlighted by the main road through the village starting to crumble, with many potholes.

“The same can be said for the sewage and water provisions in the village. They are still catering for the village as it was some 20 years ago, with some areas of the village having very poor water pressure.

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“The village infant school has reached capacity and the medical centre is now fully subscribed. 

“Recently, the practice had to review the areas it covers to reduce numbers and to cover village residents only.”

He added: “Developers are only interested in building houses and not investing in the infrastructure of the village that they are overloading with houses.”

Road congestion, including on Long Lane and at the Aughton crossroads, is also cited as a reason why Rotherham Borough Council should reject the proposals. 

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There are other more suitable areas in the borough, the parish council said, rather than this land which was classed as greenbelt until earlier this summer.

The spokesman added: “It is noted that there has been ongoing discussion between the agents, DLP Planning, and RMBC for over five years regarding this potential development, which would have always been turned down. 

“It is only in the last few months that this land has been changed to brown land but there are many brown land sites within Rotherham that could have been developed well before this site should have been considered.”

Jones Homes says the design of the homes will be in keeping with the area and consideration had been given to privacy and security of the new residents.

Rother Valley MP Sir Kevin Barron was due to be among those attending a public meeting to discuss the proposals in the village on Thursday.

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