Take 'important step' for mental health, urges new campaign

The campaign is urging people struggling with their mental health to get involved (photo credit = Pexels Andrew Neel)The campaign is urging people struggling with their mental health to get involved (photo credit = Pexels Andrew Neel)
The campaign is urging people struggling with their mental health to get involved (photo credit = Pexels Andrew Neel)
A NEW mental health campaign is urging more people to take an “important step” and sign up for help they might need.

People struggling with feelings of depression, social anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress or obsessions and compulsions are being encouraged to get involved with the NHS Talking Therapies service which offers free, confidential advice by trained professionals.

As part of a pilot programme across the country, the NHS is also supporting people back into work by linking them up with employment advisors.

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Employment and mental health are closely linked, and research shows employment support from an adviser, alongside therapy, can help improve symptoms of anxiety and depression.

By March next year, every person accessing NHS Talking Therapies will be offered the chance to benefit from employment advice such as help with writing CVs, setting career goals and gaininh the confidence to apply for vacancies.

Dr David Crichton, medical director at NHS South Yorkshire said: “People with mental health issues can find that they struggle more at this time of year with the dark nights, cold weather and getting back to reality after Christmas and New Year celebrations.

“If you are struggling with your mental wellbeing please don’t suffer in silence – there is help available for you.

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“The NHS Talking Therapies Service can be one of the most important steps someone can take to overcome their mental health issues and get back on track.”

People can be referred to the service by their GP or can self-refer online by visiting www.nhs.uk/talk.

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