Rotherham Labour’s appeal for residents to report pothole problems

ROTHERHAM’S Labour party has appealed for residents to report pothole problems – with a renewed £4 million-a-year commitment in this year’s budget.

The party will spend another £16 million on fixing crumbling roads and pavements by 2028, under proposals going before cabinet on Monday (12).

It follows the £39 million spent on resurfacing in the past six years, which Labour says has halved the number of potholes across the borough.

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Data from the Office for Local Government says two per cent of Rotherham’s A roads should be considered for maintenance – below the England average of three per cent. The borough’s figure for B and C roads is three per cent, compared to the four per cent national average.

RMBC leader Cllr Chris Read said: “We’ve made good progress improving the borough’s roads over the last few years, at a time when the RAC suggests that nationally less and less resurfacing is taking place.

“Since the last council elections, more than 600 local Rotherham roads have been resurfaced.

“But I know it doesn’t feel like that if you’re bouncing through the same holes regularly, especially at this time of the year when they tend to be at their worst. So we know there’s plenty more to do.”

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The Labour group has set up an online form at for residents to send in their suggestions of which roads and pavements should be added to the list.

Potholes requiring urgent attention should continue to be reported to the council in the usual way for emergency repairs. Visit or call 01709 382121.