New owner joins Firbeck Hall conservation group

THE owner of one of the borough's most historic buildings has joined the group dedicated to preserving it.

The Friends of Firbeck Hall have issued a statement confirming that the owner of the Grade II Listed property, businessman Jason Cooper, had joined their ranks.within a statement issued by its chairman, Simon Drohan.

It represents a huge step forward for the group who made strenuous effort to forge a relationship with the hall’s reclusive former owner, construction company boss Glen Saint, without success.

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 Friends' chairman Simon Drohan said: “I am delighted to report that FoFH has now established contact with Mr Cooper, who has briefly and sincerely expressed his respect for Firbeck Hall and the surrounding community. 

“The relationship is at an early stage and it would be unfair to comment further.

However, I am very hopeful that positive dialogue will ensue.”

Mr Drohan said that the hall’s problems have continued in recent weeks with a series of raids by looters.

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He added: “Mr Cooper has requested the help of FoFH members. Sadly the Hall has been broken into several times over the last few weeks and, in spite of two arrests, these events continue. 

“Anyone noticing suspicious activity near the Hall is invited to take any details of vehicles parked in or near the entrance and report them directly to the police or to his company reception on 01302 325225.”

Firbeck Hall was once the haunt of Hollywood stars and Royalty in its 1930’s hey-day as the Firbeck Sports and Country Club.

The 16th century hall later became an NHS rehabilitation hospital for injured miners.

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After Mr Saint bought the property and its grounds in the mid-nineties the hall fell into a state of dereliction, however.

Numerous efforts to force Mr Saint to sell the dilapidated property fell flat but his hand was forced by the liquidation of his business, Chesterfield-based Cambs Construction, in June this year.

Leeds-based property consultants GVA Grimley facilitated a quick sale of the hall and its 41-acre grounds for a sum believed to be in the region of £350,000.

Mr Cooper became the property’s owner on July 6.