Christmas tree recycling nets £30k for Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice

Beth Cole, events fundraiser at Bluebell Wood Children’s HospiceBeth Cole, events fundraiser at Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice
Beth Cole, events fundraiser at Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice
BLUEBELL Wood’s Christmas tree recycling service saw 1,500 collected – bringing in more than £30,000 for the children’s hospice.

The environmentally friendly scheme returned for a third year and has raised £25,600, plus £4587.50 gift aid.

Beth Cole, events fundraiser at Bluebell Wood, said, “We’d like to say a massive thank you to Beatson Clark for sponsoring our tree recycling service and to all our corporate volunteers and tree recycling partners involved, we simply couldn’t do it without you.

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“Finally, a big thank you to all the wonderful supporters who donated to our service. Each donation will help us continue to support local children and families going through the toughest times imaginable.”

The trees are made into chippings for places like forest schools and farms. Animals at Yorkshire Wildlife Park have enjoyed playing with the old trees too.

This year, 57 volunteer collectors from 17 local companies have been out collecting 1,500 trees across the region.