Danielle (13) battles to save her youth club

A TEENAGE girl delivered a passionate plea against axing her youth club, telling councillors: “It means the world to me.”

Thirteen-year-old Danielle Wightman is leading the fight to keep the popular group running at the Bill Chafer Centre in Bramley.

Among the 200 names on a petition handed to Rotherham Borough Council are parents who attended the club when they were young—and are now seeing their own children benefit.

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Determined Danielle, of Laurel Avenue, penned a three-page letter to accompany the signatures, explaining the huge influence of the club on her life.

She said: “Just because I’m a child it doesn’t mean I’m going to let this happen without a fight.

“I recently moved from Sheffield to Bramley and I barely knew anyone.

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“My next door neighbour invited me to the youth club, where I met my best friend Holly.

“If it wasn’t for the club I wouldn’t have met her and I would like other people to share the experience that I had.”

About 30 youngsters aged between 13 and 19 attend Bramley Youth Club at the Flash Lane centre twice a week.

Staff and volunteers complement the social fun with sex education, awareness of bullying and racism and guidance on staying safe online.

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Wickersley School student Danielle said: “Not only does it keep young people like myself off the streets, it also gives us a chance to socialise and meet new people.

“It can prevent obesity because instead of sitting in the house all day doing nothing at all, there’s a room full of equipment to use and keep us fit and healthy.

“Not long ago the club had a brand new kitchen fitted and it would be a shame if it was shut down before we have had our money’s worth from it.”

She added: “If youth clubs are closing it means there’s going to be a lot more crime including vandalism and it will cost the Government more to deal with that.”

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About 20 teenagers took their cause to a weekly surgery meeting of Hellaby ward councillors.

Tory Cllr John Turner said: “Provision like this is very, very important.

“And quite apart from what happens at the centre, I know the leaders go out on the streets and encourage young people to get involved.

“I share their concerns about where the cuts might fall, especially combined with the police cuts, it could lead to an increase in things like vandalism when the kids get bored.”

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Simon Perry, the borough council’s director of targeted services, said: “We are currently reviewing our youth service provision as the funding available from the Government has reduced.

“Our priority throughout this review is to maintain services in communities wherever possible but we have to look at different ways of providing that within the funding available.

“This will mean looking at new ways of working by the council and with more community support and involvement.

“The Bill Chafer Centre is under review as part of this process although no decision has yet been taken on its future.”

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Mr Perry said the council welcomed the youngsters’ active involvement in the decision making process.

He added: “We are currently arranging to meet with them to discuss what services could meet their needs and how they could be delivered.

“Their petition will also be presented to the relevant Cabinet member when the review is discussed.”


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