Crackdown on Rotherham crime hotspots

BURGLED householders are receiving visitors who are much more welcome as police swoop on crime hotspots.

Officers in Rotherham have launched Operation Optimal Forager with the help of PCSOs, aiming to “cocoon” victims and their neighbours against repeat attacks.

Teams of four PCSOs visit up to 40 nearby properties, seeking witnesses and offering crime prevention advice.

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Uniformed officers also make high visibility patrols around recent burglary hotspots, aiming to dissuade burglars and reassure residents.

The crackdown begins less than 24 hours after a burglary takes place. Victim support staff are also involved in the new scheme.

Chief Insp Ian Womersley said: “This project provides a considered and targeted response to house burglary in Rotherham.

“It not only places uniformed police officers in the right place at the right time, it also provides comprehensive support and advice to crime victims and those living nearby.”

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He added: “The help of Victim Support Rotherham adds significant value to the project as their volunteers are able to engage and understand the worries and concerns of the victims.

“Burglary is a horrible crime and many victims worry about thieves coming back and the consequences of somebody coming into their home, where they live with their family.”

Police received reports of an attempted burglary in the small hours of Thursday, June 6. Within hours a team of PCSOs had arrived and begun “cocooning” the neighbouring houses.

PC Andy Robinson, Crime Reduction Project Officer, said: “The work of the Forager team with victims and their neighbours provides those involved with quality impartial security advice.

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“This advice when followed should significantly reduce the chances of them becoming victims of crime in the future.

“It also allows the opportunity for officers to gather a great amount of evidence about the burglary offences, which maximises the opportunities to detect crimes and convict offenders.”

Police and Crime Commissioner, Shaun Wright added: “This is a clear message from the police.  

“It’s important for people to take care of their homes by keeping them secure and not tempting burglars by leaving valuable objects on show — this will help the police in Rotherham to do their job of cracking down on burglary.”

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Officers are advising householders to follow a few simple tips in order to reduce the risk of suffering a burglary.

They suggest keeping doors closed and locked at all times, even when occupants are home.

Windows should be shut and locked when leaving the home.

Tools which might allow a burglar to enter a house should not be left in the garden — valuables such as tablets and phones should not be left on display near a door or window.