Review: We Could All Be Perfect

We Could All Be PerfectWe Could All Be Perfect
We Could All Be Perfect
A TEENAGE girl's place is in the revolution...

That's the message from Hannah Morley's new pink skyrocket of a play.

As writer and actor Hannah, from Doncaster, says in one interview: "It's all about the link between teenage girls and revolutions, whether those be tiny personal ones or global political ones."

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It goes way beyond the film Barbie, subverting the whole notion of pink for a girl.

A funny, intense, somewhat apolocalyptic, even scary journey through girlhood, meeting Greta Thunberg along the way.

Oh, and lots of screaming. Lots.

The outstanding cast - Anshula Bain, Heather Forster, Rosa Hesmondhalgh, Alice Walker, and Jada-Li Warrican - are as diverse as the world, breaking the moulds of conventional social media-orientated looks.

Hannah's fascination with teenage girls and revolutions takes us all over the globe, through time and spaces, past, present and a future written by this generation.

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It's put together in almost a stream of consciousness style - mixing thumping music, great dance routines and chaotic scenes threaded together, as Hannah says, just like a teenager's mind.

Love, hate, bullying - and how to save the world from burning.

From stealing a lipstick to a first kiss in the dark or organising a republic uprising in a supermarket.

A strikingly original and unusual set designed by Ruta Irbite sees a tube of white material across the middle of the stage - later used to scrawl on - which splits the audience in two.

Whose side are you on, maybe?

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The actors switch characterisation superbly, playing multiple parts of all ages, genders and personalities.

Fast-paced direction by Ruby Clarke, with great lighting and sound, create an other-wordly, dystopic atmosphere.

But at the same time, teenagers giggle as all teenagers giggle.

Though overall quieter than I thought.

Greta Thunberg's appearance - to deliver her final warning speech - shifts the focus to more serious matters, reminding us of the inspiring climate strikes by school students here and around the planet. A perfect piece of theatre and it won't just be teenage girls who love it.

Hope lies with the teens, as Orwell never said.